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Sunday Thought
Started by Ellis a while ago
Hebrews Chapter Twelve:
Hebrews chapter twelve is full of encouragement. It encourages Christians not not to grow weary in times of suffering but to follow Jesus' example (Hebrews 12:1-4).The things that God has promised faithful Christians have already begun to come about.We have already drawn near to the city of the living God,which is called "Mount Zion" and "the heavenly Jerusalem" (Hebrews 12:22). We do not yet live in physically in heaven, but we possess the right to live there someday.
Christians are already***ociating with the joyful***embly of angels, even though their human ears do not yet hear the singing of the angels (Hebrews 12:22).Christians have come to the church of the first born Sons of God and their names are recorded in heaven (Hebrews 12:23).
They have also drawn near to "the spirits of righteous men made perfect" (Hebrews 12:23)and to God, who is the judge of all men.
In addition, they have drawn near to Jesus, who has given them a new covenant (Hebrews 12:24).
Since Christians receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, they should be thankful and worship God with reverence and awe.
Let us come to the throne of grace with humble hearts and minds, knowing that the God we serve is an awsome God. Everyone be bless.

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